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50 Lawyers

Funds R Us is not just another credit repair company. We are 100% compliant with, and strictly adhere to, the current standards of Credit Compliancy Law. Our clients benefit from the 50+ top lawyers with expertise in credit restoration.

Credit Monitoring

Credit Restoration

Credit Trade Lines

Credit Litigation

Credit Backed Loans

Since 1998

About Us

We believe in providing value, giving people a leg up on their journey to financial freedom.

Funds R Us is a credit restoration program designed to give consumers “real world results” using proven techniques to create an “underwrite ready finished product.”

And we do not charge for credit repair… EVER! All that is needed is a current, approved credit report and we take it from there.

Credit is a pivotal puzzle piece in a person’s life. Finding a company that is compliant in our post-Covid world is tantamount. And it’s not enough to be compliant, businesses must be up to date on the changes that have occurred. For example, Jan 1st 2023 brought huge changes in credit compliancy law. According to one top litigator in the industry, FundsRus is a truly compliant credit restoration company, perhaps the only one in the industry.

In addition, credit monitoring is provided throughout the program. We see what each Credit Bureau is reporting and how they respond to clearly inaccurate negative remarks.

Funds R Us provides people with a second chance to improve their credit and have a fresh start using powerful, proven strategies. We are committed to helping families across the country secure automotive, commercial, business, and residential home loans.

Credit Litigation


We help consumers litigate egregious errors on their credit reports using the full force of the law. Our team of attorneys help enforce the Federal laws written to protect people against reporting errors. Errors that can cost consumers thousands of dollars. Credit scores increase on an average of 50-150 points.

Our legal team fights for the removal of inaccurate information, often resulting in financial compensation for our clients.

Other Services


We are working on a new product that allows rental history, as well as non-traditionally reported lines of credit, to be viewed as real trade lines.


We have a program that counts deposits made to a savings account as installment payments, helping people build their credit lines quickly.


We assist people in partnering up with a friend or colleague who has sufficient credit scores to successfully close on a shared business loan.


We teach people how to buy and sell foreclosure properties without using their credit and to become proficient in leveraging the power of real estate.

Free Credit Restoration

Funds R Us is a disrupter in the field of credit restoration. It is against the law to charge for services not yet rendered, yet most credit repair companies charge on an up-front basis. Funds R Us is not only fully compliant in handling credit restoration, our service is 100% FREE!